From the beginning every shape we have produced here at CTRL has been built on a motto of achieving higher standards. We have created and developed many of the emerging technologies you see today. From board inception to final design, we have worked tirelessly with our core team comprised of Keith Lidberg, Lior Sofer, Matty Hasler, Phil Soven, and the lovely, Angelika Schriber. We have always done things our way and not conformed to the limitations that were once faced here in the wakeboard industry. Each and every board we have designed to date has been shaped to the exacting specifications of our team who continues to deliver on that dedication and perfection we constantly strive towards. From Plug in Fins, Obstacle Lift Fins, Top Seam Rails, Polymer Infused ABS Edges, Wood and Foam Blended constructions before they were popular, full wood cores, and now to our collaboration with Paul Meraz on the Supreme LAndscape Series. We continue to push the on the water progression of what’s available for you to ride, express, feel, and love. Rest assured we will remain resolute in this approach. With many thanks, five years and going strong. 


What we say.

With everything going on in life, things at times are crazy. We like to share all of our deliberations, routines, and other psycho-babble with you.


What you'll get.

A never ending consortium on the inner workings here at CTRL. We want you to be a part of the action, are you ready to get started?


What we promise.

We promise to only use your information for delivering pleasantries to your inbox and promise to protect you from Secret Agents and people looking over your shoulder. Never to deliver it to the ugly spammers and other time wasters.



WeAre Team – Tom Richter Welcome Clip from Max Ebert on Vimeo.

V nadaljevanju boste našli vso opremo, ki jo potrebujete za prave "wejkarske" užitke.
Vrhunska zaščitna oprema, ki jo potrebujete za wejkanje ali kajtanje.
Za vas poskrbimo, da boste na »prizorišče dogajanja« vedno prihajali v popolni športni opravi!
Ostala oprema za zabavo na vodi.
Razvrsti po:ceniceni  nazivunazivu


CTRL smerniki so namenjeni vožnji po objektih.
Stara cena z DDV:
20,00 €
Akcijska cena z DDV:
8,00 €
Najnižja cena v 30 dneh
20,00 €
Razvrsti po:ceniceni  nazivunazivu
Piškotki za analitiko
Ti se uporabljajo za beleženje analitike obsikanosti spletne strani in nam zagotavljajo podatke na podlagi katerih lahko zagotovimo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo.
Piškotki za družabna omrežja
Piškotki potrebni za vtičnike za deljenje vsebin iz strani na socialna omrežja.
Piškotki za komunikacijo na strani
Piškotki omogočajo pirkaz, kontaktiranje in komunikacijo preko komunikacijskega vtičnika na strani.
Piškotki za oglaševanje
So namenjeni targetiranemu oglaševanju glede na pretekle uporabnikove aktvinosti na drugih straneh.
Kaj so piškotki?
Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo in beleženjem piškotkov.V redu Več o piškotkih